Satsang Meditation

In a Satsang class we practice silent japa meditation, Kirtan (Mantra chanting) and have a lecture on specific topics of yoga and its philosophy. Chanting Kirtan and Mantras is very uplifting, purifying and calming for the mind.
Mediate on the crown Chakra, January 2024.

The dates for the next Hatha Yoga & Satsang Meditation classes are: (always re-confirm a couple days before event – Thank You):

Friday 15th March 2024 at 5pm – 6:30pm (breathing exercises, Meditation & Mantras).

April / May 2024 Saturday 2pm – 5pm (exact date not confirmed)

Please book and confirm dates, as space for these sessions is limited.  Contact details

Scroll down for more photos:

meditation + yoga
My practice.
  • Hatha Yoga Class (breathing exercises, sun salutation, 12 basic postures, guided final relaxation)
  • Satsang (silent meditation, uplifting Sanskrit chants, an inspiring reading)
  • The cost is $18.00 or  one tick on the class pass.
  • You can join for both sessions to get most benefits. Or if this is not possible for you,  just attend the Hatha Yoga class or the Satsang/Meditation class.

After the Meditation we’ll have a cup of tea and something sweet, I usually make a raw vegan cake or snack.
NAMASTE, December 2022.
Prasad - bliss balls
Bliss Balls
Mandarin Cashew cream “cheesecake”, June 2023

SATSANGA by Swami Sivananda (from his book Bliss Divine)

If the dust is in the company of the wind, it soars high in the sky, if it is in the company of muddy water, it becomes a dirty mire. If the air in in the company of jasmine, it wafts a sweet aroma. If it is in the company of offal, it disseminates a foul odour. Put the parrot in the company of wicked men. It will start abusing. Put it in the company of Sadhus, It will repeat “Ram, Renga, Renga”. Even so, if one is in the company of a sage, he attains knowledge and soars high in the realm of eternal bliss.
If you cannot get the Satsanga of living Mahatmas, you can take recourse to the study of books written by great souls. In the evening, four or five people can assemble together in a temple or a quiet room and can study for one or two hours either the Gita or the Upanishads or the Ramayana or the Yogavasishta or the Bhagavata. Slowly you mind will be purified. You will get real taste in the spiritual path.
Yoga class and Satsang meditation, July 2017.

yoga class at home January 2018 relaxation
Yoga class – relaxation, January 2018.
Yoga class at home January 2018
Outdoor Hatha Yoga class , January 2018.

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