sitting spinal twist

(literally Ardha stands for half = half spinal twist).

There are many benefits to this posture, but the most important is that the entire length of the spine receives a lateral twist in both directions – first to the left and then to the right.

Physical Benefits

  • Increases flexibility in each vertebrae of the spine, from the base of the spine through the neck
  • Stretches the back muscles and hips
  • Massages the abdominal organs, helping to relieve constipation
  • Breathing becomes more rapid, speeding up circulation and creating an aerobic effect
  • Brings more blood flow to the spine

Energetic (Pranic) Benefits

  • Helps rouse the Kundalini Shakti

Mental Benefits

  • Brings peace of mind
  • Helps to cure nervous disorders
 Easy version of the sitting spinal twist, with leg straight. Maria Steiner June 2023.