Affirmations – Advent Calendar

On the 1st of December I started with a 21 days meditation/manifestation challenge, initiated by a meditation group in Germany. Two weeks ago I suggested in a couple yoga classes (so not all of you in the classes know about this). Repeat a different positive affirmation or mantra every day as an Advent Calendar starting on the 1st of December until Christmas. If you were busy or didn’t know about it from me….. do it now or as a family game at Christmas or New Year’s Eve: everyone states a positive affirmation. You can come up with your own or there are many in the books by Louise Hay, Dr. Wayne Dyer, etc. for example.

If you like New Year’s resolutions start at the 1st of January.

You can start for yourself anytime…. and know that many around the world are doing the same. The gist is, when you practice or do something for a minimum of 21 days every day (if you miss one you start again at day one) it becomes a habit.

Here are some examples I created for you as a motivation and inspiration. When you repeat an affirmation often it becomes a Mantra.

Friday Devi Mantra

In the Yoga tradition, that I practice and teach, we chant/sing/recite many Sanskrit Mantras. These Mantras all have different meanings: Mantra for protection, Mantra for safe travelling, opening and closing Mantra for the Yoga class…..

Every Day of the week is dedicated to a different Deity. In my own practice I observe these days with specific Mantras for the Deity of the Day.

Friday is Devi day, honoring the Divine Mother.

Please click on the link below to listen to a short recording, I’ve done this morning. This sound file is unedited….. I simply recorded myself as I play the harmonium and chant the Mantra.

Jaya Jagadambda – Maria Steiner (Prema) 9/8/19

Prema playing harmonium.
Prema playing harmonium, Yoga Retreat 2016.

3 daily healthy habits

A few weeks ago, in one of the yoga classes, I talked about daily healthy habits. We narrowed it down to three. Here a short summary for everyone:

lime water.jpg
I start my day with lemon or lime water. Presently I have fresh limes from my garden. 


  1.  Drink plenty of water 2 – 3 litres per day.

  2.  Stretch and move daily. This can be yoga, walking, swimming, running, cycling, fitness class, dancing, a few rounds of Sun Salutations. etc.  Any kind of movement and stretching you like and you will do. It does not have to be long, 15 minutes daily is good. 

  3. Breathing exercises. Focusing on deep abdominal breathing, taking time out throughout the day to make time for some conscious breathing. This can even lead to a short meditation. 


Stretch daily - sun salutation
Stretch daily

breathing exercise - anuloma viloma
breathing exercises

going into stillness and silence
daily meditation

Start with small, steady steps and keep it up.

I wish you a good, happy, daily practice.

Prema Maria xx







Gratitude Jar

The practice of Gratitude is something I wanted to write and post a blog about it since some time. (Better late than never, while starting the New Year with good intentions and put them into practice)  🙂

Back in January 2013 I posted the following on my Facebook page:

“This idea made the rounds on Facebook last week.

Start on January 1st with an empty jar. Throughout the year write the good things that happened to you on little pieces of paper. On December 31st, open the jar and read all the amazing things that happened to you that year.

So I started my own with a hand made label and I call it “Gratitude Jar”, seeing and appreciating the beauty and abundance in life.
If you like you write a daily note, about anything that put a smile on your face that day and made you feel happy in your heart. Of course you can use a smaller jar……. “


Half a year later my Gratitude Jar looked like this:


Since then I still add more notes to my jar. I write about anything that brings joy to my heart, the smell of a flower, a delicious organic fruit, the many new and loyal happy people in my yoga classes. A phone call, a postcard, etc. I received.

A few years before I started the gratitude jar I wrote a gratitude list at the end of each year. I still do that and also add things to the list throughout the year. After I write my gratitude list for the previous year, I then write my intentions list for the new year.

If you prefer you keep a gratitude journal, where you write your daily or weekly notes. Anything you give thanks to.

It is a wonderful practice that brings abundance, as you start to see the beauty in your life.

It’s actually a practice that I did for a while as a teenage girl. And it really helped me a lot back then (it was after my father died),  no one told me about it, I listened to my intuition. I would write in my girly diary when: someone in the street smiled at me, I saw a nice flower on the side of the footpath, if a certain boy at school would say “hi” or “hoi” to my …… 🙂  I did not call it gratitude back then, I just noted what brought me joy that day, usually the smaller the better.

This year I do my gratitude on social media. Instagram has these wonderful hashtags #366grateful #365grateful #366daysofgratitude #366grateful2016 and more similar # or you start your own.

If you like to follow me on Instagram you find me under @mariaprema

I hope you join me this year in the practice of gratitude in some ways & the format that speaks to you. Let’s share our experiences throughout the year.



Happy Easter

Holidays can sometimes put a lot of pressure on individuals. Travelling through busy airports and train-stations, being struck in traffic on long distance travel. Meeting with family just because it’s a tradition to meet with family members on holidays, when otherwise there is not much contact or much in common. It can be more of a burden, than a pleasurable joy.
I like to share with you this good affirmation from Louise Hay for a situation like this or similar:

“I release all drama from my life and now get energy from peace.”

Swiss Easter chocolate bunny
Swiss Easter chocolate bunny

Daily Affirmation

This year I have the calendar by Louise Hay with daily affirmations – I Can Do It 2014 Calendar.
I received the calendar from some of my loyal yoga students. Thank you very much 🙂
Of course some affirmations speak more to me than others, or maybe the ones I just flip through could actually be what I need to hear that day ……
Today I really needed to hear and read this:  “All is well. I have time for everything I need to do.” It made me feel calm and relaxed.
During the Year I will post more of these daily affirmations.