NO YOGA classes in June 2024

As many of you know already (I’ve been talking about it long enough ๐Ÿ˜‰ during the month of June are no yoga classes.

I’m away from 3rd – 28th of June 2024. Visiting family in Switzerland, early Summer holiday and going on Retreat myself.

The last class in May is on Thursday morning 30/5/24 10am Senior’s Yoga.

On Friday 24th May 5pm we have a Meditation & Mantra class, please let me know if you would like to join.

In July all the Yoga classes resume on Tuesday 2/7/24.

Maria on Retreat in Switzerland, August 2022.

Trikonasana – the triangle pose

Trikonasana, or the triangle pose.ย The main benefits of this standing posture are to stretch the sides of the body and give a lateral movement to the spine. All standing yoga postures help to ground your energy.

Physical Benefits

  • Stretches the sides of the body
  • Stretches the spine laterally
  • Helps keep the spine elastic
  • Improves flexibility in the hips and legs
  • Helps to open the chest
  • Massages the internal organs
  • Improves digestion
  • Amplifies the benefits of the half spinal twist
  • Improves circulation in the body

Mental Benefits

  • Steadies the mind
  • Calms the emotions
  • Increase empathy and self-awareness

Energetic (Pranic) Benefits

  • Calms the prana in the ida nadi
Maria doing Trikonasana – triangle pose, May 2007.
Maria doing a spinal twist in triangle, October 2011.
Maria doing Trikonasana, the triangle pose, October 2011.

sitting spinal twist

(literally Ardha stands for half = half spinal twist).

There are many benefits to this posture, but the most important is that the entire length of the spine receives a lateral twist in both directions – first to the left and then to the right.

Physical Benefits

  • Increases flexibility in each vertebrae of the spine, from the base of the spine through the neck
  • Stretches the back muscles and hips
  • Massages the abdominal organs, helping to relieve constipation
  • Breathing becomes more rapid, speeding up circulation and creating an aerobic effect
  • Brings more blood flow to the spine

Energetic (Pranic) Benefits

  • Helps rouse the Kundalini Shakti

Mental Benefits

  • Brings peace of mind
  • Helps to cure nervous disorders
ย Easy version of the sitting spinal twist, with leg straight. Maria Steiner June 2023.

Scout Hall Location in Cameron Park, Booval

PLEASE have a look at the picture below, for the exact location of the Scout Hall in Cameron Park (BLUE DOT). As street view and google maps might guide you to the wrong section of Cameron Park.

This is where we have the Yoga classes on a Tuesday 6pm and Wednesday 5pm.

It’s possible that the apple maps on the iPhone is correct. But more than once this year, new people in the yoga class, ended up at the old Swifts Sport Club.

I don’t want to know, how many gave up coming to class, because they were guided to a wrong location ?!?

Maybe if you put into google maps “Foote Street, Booval” you end up very close to the Scout Hall.

Maybe if you put into google maps “Foote Street, Booval” you end up very close to the Scout Hall. View of the Scout Hall from Foote Street, towards Cameron Park.