2024 YOGA classes resume on Tuesday 16th January.

A happy, healthy and content New Year to you.

I look forward to welcome you back on the yoga mat soon. Classes as follows at the Scout Halls, or you can join online on Zoom. For Zoom please contact me to receive the login details. Thanks.

Raceview Scout Hall, 32 Taylor Street, Eastern Heights 4305

  • Tuesdays, 9:00am – 10:30am (90 minutes Hatha Yoga class)

Cameron Park, Scout Hall, Easton Street, Booval 4304 

  • Tuesdays, 6:00pm–7:30pm (90 minutes Hatha Yoga class)
  • Wednesdays, 5:00pm–6:30pm (90 minutes Hatha Yoga class)

Raceview Scout Hall, 32 Taylor Street, Eastern Heights 4305


  • first trial class: free
  • single class $18.00
  • 5-class pass (valid for 2 months) $75.00
  • 10-class pass (valid for 4 months) $140.00

Cost for Senior Classes  (Wednesday 9am + Thursday 10am)

  • first class: free
  • single class  $12.00
  • 5-class-pass  $55.00
  • 10-class-pass  $100.00

If possible please book for your first yoga class, but it’s is perfectly fine if you just show up at the Hall about 10 minutes before the class begins. Thank you !!

Start the year on a positive note, January 2024.

Yoga classes May 2022

After a rather bumpy month of April… I hope the month of May and beyond will be more calm and consistent, with the morning classes at the Raceview Scout Hall and evening classes at the Scout Hall in Cameron Park.

The current locations, days and times are:

Raceview Scout Hall, 32 Taylor Street, Eastern Heights 

Tuesday  9am – 10:30am

Cameron Park, Scout Hall, Easton Street, Booval

Tuesday  6pm – 7:30pm

Wednesday  5pm – 6:30pm

Raceview Scout Hall, 32 Taylor Street, Eastern Heights  

Seniors Yoga classes **) open for everyone, easier 1 hour classes

Wednesday  9am – 10am 

Thursday     10am – 11am

All these classes can be joined online via Zoom.

Please feel free to contact me for any questions. Thank you!! Maria Prema, OM OM OM

Phone/text: 0423 477 725, email: HathaYogaIpswich@gmail.com

Evening Yoga Classes as of April 2022

As of April 2022 the afternoon/evening Hatha Yoga classes are at the Scout Hall in Cameron Park, Easton Street, Booval.

  • Tuesday 6pm – 7:30pm
  • Wednesday 5pm – 6:30pm

These classes are 90 minutes, we practice the basic “Sivananda-Yoga” class: breathing exercises, sun salutations, Yoga postures & exercises, guided final relaxation.

The classes are open to all levels.

Yoga classes at the Scout Hall in Cameron Park, current as of April 2022.

Yoga Retreat August 2019

So far this year, about once a week someone or two came back to a yoga class, who hasn’t been in class for a while/years. It’s interesting; often when people miss for a long period, they are almost embarrassed to come back to a yoga class. There is no need to be embarrassed to return to the yoga class after a long absence.  As I hear this excuse a lot, if you wan’t to come back to class come back, no questions asked.

The next excuse I hear from people not coming to a yoga class is: “I’m not flexible”.  Well that’s the purpose of yoga to become flexible and allow movement to your own ability. Improve and moving to your own level. 

The same counts for the Yoga Retreat, you can be a complete beginner to attend the 
Yoga & Meditation Weekend in August, Friday 16/8 – Sunday 18/8/2019.

  • We will return to the same venue as last year, Luther Heights Youth Camp in Coolum Beach. The accommodation is very simple, bunk beds, dorm style. But since we occupy only a third or quarter of the beds available, we can spread out nicely. There are separated niches to share with your friends & family. You need to bring your own linen. 
  • Toilets, showers are basic & clean.
  • The vegetarian meals are delicious, and a good variety.
  • Even good coffee (a luxury, not following traditional yoga ashram rules).
  • So rather than a luxury yoga Retreat, this is more a traditional Yoga & Meditation Camp, as they used to be, when Yoga first arrived in the West. Or more like a Yoga Ashram in India, where the focus is on the practice of yoga, rather than a luxury bed & spa. (which is very nice, but has it’s price). 
  • This allows me, to keep the price below $450
  • The cost the for whole weekend is $420 (including the yoga program, accommodation and meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner).
  • We are surrounded by beautiful, peaceful nature, trees and grounds. Views over the ocean and towards Mount Coolum.
  • Spectacular sunrise, to start the day with Sun Salutations and Meditation.
  • Short walk to the beach and Point Arkwright lookout. 
  • A good location and opportunity to immerse into the practice of Yoga. Dust of the winter blues, getting ready for Spring.
  • My friend Amrita Kamala will mostly likely join us again, to play the harmonium.
  • As a new activity this year, we might have a camp fire on Saturday evening. The Camp has the facility for this, but of course this will be weather permitting only. If no fire restrictions.
  • For the Retreat Weekend to go ahead, I need a minimum of 15 -18 bookings. 
  • Please let me know by 31 March 2019, if you are seriously interested to attend the Yoga & Meditation weekend.
  • As by then I can cancel the venue without any extra charges, and of course I would refund your deposit as well. Fingers crossed, that will not be the case. 

Please contact me for any questions and bookings. I can also send you a detailed pdf file by email , or you find all the important details by following this link:


Looking forward to hearing and seeing you,

Prema Maria

Sunrise Meditation, Retreat September 2018.

Christmas Break December 2018

Christmas tree at Sydney town hall, November 2018.
Christmas tree at Sydney  town hall, November 2018.


This year’s Christmas / New Year’s break will be for three weeks, from Monday 24th December 2018 until Sunday 13th January 2019.

The last Yoga classes in 2018 are on Thursday 20/12/18.

All Yoga classes resume on Tuesday 15th January 2019.

The yoga class at the PCYC Ipswich will resume one week earlier, on Wednesday 9th January 2019, 6:30pm – 8pm.


I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe, happy New Year !!

Thank you for your loyalty during the past year.

Looking forward to welcome you on the yoga mat in 2019 again.

Be well and healthy.

Yoga during Queensland Winter

I’m back in Ipswich from another beautiful trip to my home country.

All classes during autumn / winter / early Spring as per our well-known weekly yoga class schedule:

Cameron Park, Scout Hall, Easton Street, Booval

(this hall has a heather, no excuse to miss class)

  • Tuesdays, 6:00pm–7:30pm

Raceview Scout Hall, 32 Taylor Street, Eastern Heights

  • Tuesdays, 9:00am – 10:30am *) followed by meditation 10:30am-11am, if you wish to stay.
  • Wednesdays 9:00am – 10:00am Seniors Yoga class  *) followed by meditation 10am – 10:30am, if you wish to stay.
  • Thursdays, 5:00pm – 6:30pm
  • Thursdays, 7:00pm – 8:30pm



  • first trial class: free
  • drop-in class $15.00
  • 5-class pass (valid for 2 months) $70.00
  • 10-class pass (valid for 4 months) $120.00

Cost for Senior Class (Wednesday 9am – 10am)

  • first class: free
  • single class  $10.00
  • 10-class-pass  $80.00



snow in April 2017 photo 2
Snow in Spring near Lucerne, Switzerland, April 2017.

Spring in Switzerland, country side of Basel, April 2017. This should be enough firewood for our Queensland Winter.

Spring in Switzerland, May 2017.


Pranayama – proper breathing

Based on the “Five Points of Yoga” as outlined by Swami Vishnu-Devananda-ji.
2. Proper Breathing (Pranayama)

Yoga teaches us how to use the lungs to their maximum capacity and how to control the breath. Proper breathing should be deep, slow and rhythmical. This increases vitality and mental clarity.

Breath is life. We can live for days without food or water, but deprive us of breath and we die in minutes. In view of this, it is astonishing how little attention we pay in normal life to the importance of breathing correctly. To a Yogi there are two main functions of proper breathing: to bring more oxygen to the blood and brain: and to control prana or vital energy, leading to control of the mind.

What is proper breathing?

Breathing correctly means breathing through the nose, keeping the mouth closed, and involves a full inhalation and exhalation which bring the whole of our lungs into play. There are three basic types of breathing: clavicular (shallow), intercostal (middle) and abdominal breathing (deep). A full yogic breath combines all three, beginning with a deep breath into the abdomen and continuing the inhalation through the intercostal and clavicular area. Without lifting the shoulders. The abdomen fills, the chest rises.  When we inhale, the abdomen expands and the diaphragm moves down, massaging the abdominal organs. When we exhale, the abdomen contracts and the diaphragm moves up, massaging the heart. In the beginning it is very helpful to place one hand on the abdomen, and the other one on the chest.

Pranayama literally means control of life force or vital energy. Prana=vital energy, yama=control.

IMG_5470_Anuloma Viloma small
Anuloma Viloma – the alternate nostril breathing is one of many yogic breathing techniques or exercises.

© Photography Maria Steiner

Asana – proper exercise

Based on the “Five Points of Yoga” as outlined by Swami Vishnu-Devananda-ji.

1. Proper Exercise (Asanas)

Our physical body is meant to move and exercise. If our lifestyle does not provide natural motion of muscles and joints, then disease and great discomfort will ensue with time. Proper exercise should be pleasant to the practitioner while beneficial to the body, mind and spiritual life.

Asanas or yoga postures/exercises focus on increasing and maintaining flexibility of the spine, toning and rejuvenating the nervous system. The gentle stretching, twisting and bending movements bring flexibility to the joints and muscles of the body, as well as massaging the glands and organs. Circulation is also improved, ensuring oxygen to all the cells of the body. The different poses put pressure on various points, which help to relax the nervous system and therefore also helps to release stress.

The Sanskrit word Asana means steady pose, therefore holding the yoga postures is beneficial.  Taking a few deep breaths in every pose, slowing down.


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Ardha Matseyndrasana – half spinal twist.

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Halasana – the plough.

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Standing spinal twist in triangle – Parivritta Trikonasana.

© Photography Maria Steiner