2024 YOGA classes resume on Tuesday 16th January.

A happy, healthy and content New Year to you.

I look forward to welcome you back on the yoga mat soon. Classes as follows at the Scout Halls, or you can join online on Zoom. For Zoom please contact me to receive the login details. Thanks.

Raceview Scout Hall, 32 Taylor Street, Eastern Heights 4305

  • Tuesdays, 9:00am – 10:30am (90 minutes Hatha Yoga class)

Cameron Park, Scout Hall, Easton Street, Booval 4304 

  • Tuesdays, 6:00pm–7:30pm (90 minutes Hatha Yoga class)
  • Wednesdays, 5:00pm–6:30pm (90 minutes Hatha Yoga class)

Raceview Scout Hall, 32 Taylor Street, Eastern Heights 4305


  • first trial class: free
  • single class $18.00
  • 5-class pass (valid for 2 months) $75.00
  • 10-class pass (valid for 4 months) $140.00

Cost for Senior Classes  (Wednesday 9am + Thursday 10am)

  • first class: free
  • single class  $12.00
  • 5-class-pass  $55.00
  • 10-class-pass  $100.00

If possible please book for your first yoga class, but it’s is perfectly fine if you just show up at the Hall about 10 minutes before the class begins. Thank you !!

Start the year on a positive note, January 2024.

home practice: Sun Salutation

Disclaimer: All exercises at your own discretion and responsibility.

This is a 12 minute video with a short breathing session to begin and 3 full rounds of Sun Salutations (6 times down & up). If you have any troubles watching it, please let me know. Thank you !!

If it works for you and you enjoy the practice, please let me know as well.

Also if you like to receive a free copy of this video, that you can watch and practice any time, please contact me https://hathayogaipswich.com.au/contact/

Then you can practice this short session anytime offline.

If you like a longer version, I recently recorded a 25 minutes Hatha Yoga class to help you get started with a daily yoga practice.

The cost is $15.- and I can send you the link for download.

Affirmations – Advent Calendar

On the 1st of December I started with a 21 days meditation/manifestation challenge, initiated by a meditation group in Germany. Two weeks ago I suggested in a couple yoga classes (so not all of you in the classes know about this). Repeat a different positive affirmation or mantra every day as an Advent Calendar starting on the 1st of December until Christmas. If you were busy or didn’t know about it from me….. do it now or as a family game at Christmas or New Year’s Eve: everyone states a positive affirmation. You can come up with your own or there are many in the books by Louise Hay, Dr. Wayne Dyer, etc. for example.

If you like New Year’s resolutions start at the 1st of January.

You can start for yourself anytime…. and know that many around the world are doing the same. The gist is, when you practice or do something for a minimum of 21 days every day (if you miss one you start again at day one) it becomes a habit.

Here are some examples I created for you as a motivation and inspiration. When you repeat an affirmation often it becomes a Mantra.

Friday Devi Mantra

In the Yoga tradition, that I practice and teach, we chant/sing/recite many Sanskrit Mantras. These Mantras all have different meanings: Mantra for protection, Mantra for safe travelling, opening and closing Mantra for the Yoga class…..

Every Day of the week is dedicated to a different Deity. In my own practice I observe these days with specific Mantras for the Deity of the Day.

Friday is Devi day, honoring the Divine Mother.

Please click on the link below to listen to a short recording, I’ve done this morning. This sound file is unedited….. I simply recorded myself as I play the harmonium and chant the Mantra.

Jaya Jagadambda – Maria Steiner (Prema) 9/8/19


Prema playing harmonium.
Prema playing harmonium, Yoga Retreat 2016.

3 daily healthy habits

A few weeks ago, in one of the yoga classes, I talked about daily healthy habits. We narrowed it down to three. Here a short summary for everyone:

lime water.jpg
I start my day with lemon or lime water. Presently I have fresh limes from my garden. 


  1.  Drink plenty of water 2 – 3 litres per day.

  2.  Stretch and move daily. This can be yoga, walking, swimming, running, cycling, fitness class, dancing, a few rounds of Sun Salutations. etc.  Any kind of movement and stretching you like and you will do. It does not have to be long, 15 minutes daily is good. 

  3. Breathing exercises. Focusing on deep abdominal breathing, taking time out throughout the day to make time for some conscious breathing. This can even lead to a short meditation. 


Stretch daily - sun salutation
Stretch daily

breathing exercise - anuloma viloma
breathing exercises

going into stillness and silence
daily meditation

Start with small, steady steps and keep it up.

I wish you a good, happy, daily practice.

Prema Maria xx