NO YOGA classes in June 2024

As many of you know already (I’ve been talking about it long enough 😉 during the month of June are no yoga classes.

I’m away from 3rd – 28th of June 2024. Visiting family in Switzerland, early Summer holiday and going on Retreat myself.

The last class in May is on Thursday morning 30/5/24 10am Senior’s Yoga.

On Friday 24th May 5pm we have a Meditation & Mantra class, please let me know if you would like to join.

In July all the Yoga classes resume on Tuesday 2/7/24.

Maria on Retreat in Switzerland, August 2022.

Trikonasana – the triangle pose

Trikonasana, or the triangle pose. The main benefits of this standing posture are to stretch the sides of the body and give a lateral movement to the spine. All standing yoga postures help to ground your energy.

Physical Benefits

  • Stretches the sides of the body
  • Stretches the spine laterally
  • Helps keep the spine elastic
  • Improves flexibility in the hips and legs
  • Helps to open the chest
  • Massages the internal organs
  • Improves digestion
  • Amplifies the benefits of the half spinal twist
  • Improves circulation in the body

Mental Benefits

  • Steadies the mind
  • Calms the emotions
  • Increase empathy and self-awareness

Energetic (Pranic) Benefits

  • Calms the prana in the ida nadi
Maria doing Trikonasana – triangle pose, May 2007.
Maria doing a spinal twist in triangle, October 2011.
Maria doing Trikonasana, the triangle pose, October 2011.

YOGA Classes April + May 2024

I had a good week off to enjoy a couple last Queensland – Summer – Days.

As of Tuesday 26th March, all Yoga classes according to your weekly schedule, in-person at the Scout Halls and online on Zoom.

Enjoy the cooler, rainy days and see you back on the Yoga mat soon. Maria, OM OM OM

Maria at North Kirra Beach, Gold Coast, Queensland. March 2024

2024 YOGA classes resume on Tuesday 16th January.

A happy, healthy and content New Year to you.

I look forward to welcome you back on the yoga mat soon. Classes as follows at the Scout Halls, or you can join online on Zoom. For Zoom please contact me to receive the login details. Thanks.

Raceview Scout Hall, 32 Taylor Street, Eastern Heights 4305

  • Tuesdays, 9:00am – 10:30am (90 minutes Hatha Yoga class)

Cameron Park, Scout Hall, Easton Street, Booval 4304 

  • Tuesdays, 6:00pm–7:30pm (90 minutes Hatha Yoga class)
  • Wednesdays, 5:00pm–6:30pm (90 minutes Hatha Yoga class)

Raceview Scout Hall, 32 Taylor Street, Eastern Heights 4305


  • first trial class: free
  • single class $18.00
  • 5-class pass (valid for 2 months) $75.00
  • 10-class pass (valid for 4 months) $140.00

Cost for Senior Classes  (Wednesday 9am + Thursday 10am)

  • first class: free
  • single class  $12.00
  • 5-class-pass  $55.00
  • 10-class-pass  $100.00

If possible please book for your first yoga class, but it’s is perfectly fine if you just show up at the Hall about 10 minutes before the class begins. Thank you !!

Start the year on a positive note, January 2024.

Yoga classes July 2023

Classes as per weekly schedule during the school holidays and beyond:

Hatha Yoga classes & Senior’s Yoga, all the classes can be joined online via Zoom from the warmth & comfort of your home.

Raceview Scout Hall, 32 Taylor Street, Eastern Heights 4305

  • Tuesdays, 9:00am – 10:30am (90 minutes Hatha Yoga class)

Cameron Park, Scout Hall, Easton Street, Booval 4304

(this hall has heating, nice & cosy even in Winter)

  • Tuesdays, 6:00pm–7:30pm (90 minutes Hatha Yoga class)
  • Wednesdays, 5:00pm–6:30pm (90 minutes Hatha Yoga class)

Raceview Scout Hall, 32 Taylor Street, Eastern Heights 4305

Saturday afternoon Hatha Yoga Class and Satsang Meditation

is on 15th July 2023. (2pm – 5pm)

First time that we have this class on a Saturday afternoon, changed from Friday evening in previous months & years.
2 pm   Hatha Yoga Class (please arrive from 1:30pm onwards)
3:45pm Meditation (mantra chanting, silent meditation, empowering talk)

The cost is $15 or  one tick on the class pass.

You can join for both sessions to get most benefits. Or if this is not possible for you,  just attend the Hatha Yoga class or the Satsang/Meditation class.

After the Meditation we’ll have a cup of tea and something sweet, I usually make a raw vegan cake or snack. If you have time to stay a little longer & chat.

Please book for these classes by contacting me. Thank You !!

Maria, June 2023

Practice of the week: tree pose (balance on one leg)

the Tree pose – Vrikshasana 

The balancing postures on one leg are mentally highly demanding. These postures develop, to the highest degree, the powers of mental concentration and single-mindedness of thought, as well as physical balance. 
Practising this asana brings a wonderful feeling of inner peace and concentration. Poised on one leg with the other foot as high up as half lotus, or at ankle or knee height. The hands pressed together in prayer position, in front of the chest or stretched up above the head.
It also improves the muscle strength in the standing leg, keeping the back and spine straight. Therefore always practice on both sides, even though usually one side is easier than the other.
tree pose - standing on one leg - balancing
Maria, May 2017

8 weeks Meditation Course

A next 8 – weeks – meditation – course is starting soon. Monday 10th of May 2021, 5pm – 6pm, for eight consecutive weeks. The Topic of the course is on the Chakras.

The 7 main Chakra

Chakra means ‘wheel’. Chakras are energy vortices, or intersections where two or more nadis (sanskrit word) meet. Everyplace the 72,000 nadis of the astral body intersect, there is a chakra. There are an uncounted number of chakras in the body.

The chakras are the mechanisms by which the prana (lifeforce) is able to permeate the physical body from the astral body, and basically then, it is the prana that keeps the physical body alive.

Within the astral body are 7 main chakras associated with kundalini awakening. They are located within the astral body in locations that correspond with the spine in the physical body, and at the junctions where the ida and pingala, and various other nadis, meet.

These main chakras are called:

  1. Muladhara – located near the base of the spine in the perineal space for men, at the back and top of the cervix for women; sacral plexus
  2. Swadhishthana – located at the level of the uro-genital systems; prostatic plexus
  3. Manipura – located at the area of the navel; solar plexus
  4. Anahata – located at the level of the heart; cardiac plexus
  5. Vishuddha – located in the throat region near the thyroid and adam’s apple; laryngeal plexus
  6. Ajna – located in the space between the eyebrows; cavernous plexus
  7. Sahasrara – located at the top of the head; pineal gland

In the first week of the course, we cover the basics and overall meaning of the Chakra. Then every week we cover, talk and meditate on one Chakra from 1 to 7. So if, you miss a week, each week is it’s own lesson.

Cost & Registration:

The upfront payment for the whole 8 weeks is $110.-, or you can pay each week $15.-.

If you have yoga class pass, you can use it of the meditation course as well.

The course is taking place at our home in Silkstone, and is limited to six participants. You need to book for the whole course, or for each week, if space is available.

Please send me an email: or phone/text 0423 477 725. Thank You !! Looking forward to diving into this important topic of the Yoga theory and help you with a meditation practice. It will improve my own as well. 🙂 Namaste, Maria Prema ❤

Christmas Break 2020

The Christmas Break for the Yoga Classes will be three weeks, from Monday 21th of December 2020 until Monday 11th of January 2021.

Even over the Holiday Season take some time out for yourself to go into stillness, take some deep breaths, calm down, meditate. Spend quiet moments in nature to ground yourself and recharge.

All the Yoga classes resume on Tuesday 12th of January 2021, as follows:

Cameron Park, Scout Hall, Easton Street, Booval

  • Tuesdays, 6:00pm–7:30pm (90 minutes Hatha Yoga class)

Raceview Scout Hall, 32 Taylor Street, Eastern Heights

  • Tuesdays, 9:00am – 10:30am (90 minutes Hatha Yoga class)
  • Thursdays, 6:30pm – 8:00pm (90 minutes Hatha Yoga class

These days and times are our classes for January 2021 (except Tuesday 26/1/21 Australia Day – public holiday).

If you can’t make it to the Scout Halls, you can join any of these classes online via Zoom. One thing we take with us from 2020 into 2021… is Zoom Yoga.

As of February there will be a change to the Thursday classes. I will give you the details, closer to the date.

Plus I will most likely offer a few additional Yoga days & times. Extra Zoom classes, and possibly a weekly meditation class. However we’ll start the New Year slow and steady.

Poinciana tree at Raceview Scout Hall, December 2020.